0 January 9, 2018 My Ten Songs On the show “My Ten Songs,” host Megan Hanna accompanies members of the Seattle community as...
1 January 5, 2018 The Secret Word Show The Secret Word Show is a music-based show themed around a “word picked out of thin air”...
1 December 14, 2017 Rhythm Roulette with DJ Solid Sound. We are happy to announce the debut of a new, weekly show here on KBFG called...
2 December 4, 2017 Local with Louise Local with Louise is a weekly show produced by our very own volunteer Louise Bendall where...
2 November 29, 2017 Tristan’s Bedtime Radio Hour KBFG’s first live show we have aired is Tristan’s Bedtime Radio Hour, which airs every Sunday from 7 to...
0 August 10, 2016 Sandbox Radio: Thur nites @ 10 @ KBFG Starting tomorrow (Thursday) night, Sandbox Radio can be heard on KBFG on Thursday nights at 10:00...