Programming schedule (take 1)

We’ve released a preliminary programming schedule! It’s extremely important to us the entirety of our community’s voice is heard. Let us know what you think. We’re always on the lookout for good programming ideas. With this schedule, we’re trying to provide the right balance between:

  • English and non-English talk
  • Music
  • Non-musical performance
  • Children’s
  • Sports



Here’s a quick breakdown of some of the more nondescript programs:

Morning Talk — gives the rundown of what’s happening throughout the neighborhood. We’ll include interviews with local groups, business owners, and individuals. Will have different host each day of the week.

Radio Plays with Duncan — a series of plays performed and produced by local playwrights.

Teen Music Spotlight — what the kids are listening to these days.

Children’s Programs — storytime, sing-song, and other activities that pique children’s interest.

Tour Time — tourist-type events for exploring our beautiful city.